- Direct Supervision & Evaluator For (11): Department Chairs: English, Math, Social Studies, Science, World Language, ENL, Media Center/MTSS Coach, 3 Instructional Coaches (2 math and 1 ELA), SEL Coach
- Department Oversight (8): Counseling, Math, English, Science, Social Studies, ENL, World Language, Technology/Media Center
Main Roles & Responsibilities:
- Teaching & Learning, Curriculum & Instruction (Elevate, PLCs, PD, etc.)
- Equitable Achievement & Culturally Responsive Teaching (PD, Implementation, Supports, Resources)
- Instructionally-Focused Professional Development
- Achievement Data Analysis
- Oversee and Evaluate Instructional Coaches
- Instructionally-Focused Professional Development; Track and monitor elevate classroom walkthroughs for department chairs, deans, and assistant principals and utilize the data to make decisions about teaching and learning
- School Improvement Plan & QAR/Review (Priority Area: Equitable Achievement)
- MTSS (Academic Support Only)
- Teacher Evaluation Process (main content areas)
- Develop Interview Protocols and establish a tighter interview process across departments
- Oversee student teachers and establish a process by which each student teacher is observed by department chairs and an administrator during the time they are in charge of the classroom
- New Teacher Academy/Supports
- Oversight of High Ability/Honors/AP/Dual Credit/IB
- Program Evaluation Review
- Create ENL Support Services Structure with Dr. Sever and ensure that the structure and strategies are implemented with fidelity
- Classified Staff Focused on Instructional Support
- Remediation & Summer School/Extended Learning
- Liaison with Secondary Curriculum Coordinator & Oversee Curriculum Nights including BTS Night
- Teacher Recruitment & Retention Strategies
- Public Relations (Academic)
- Oversight of school in principal’s absence